Saturday, May 9, 2020

A guy in a suit

* This awesome Hideo suit is a GIFT in the Stay at Home event
You can find it at Ascend but there is a trick. Walk to the back of the store. Look for the Hideo vendor.
Then click the small FAT PACK sign for the pants and for the jacket. And get both fat packs for free (pay 1 L$ get a refund)
This set comes in fitmesh sizes with alpha layer and it also fits Adam, TMP, Signature and Slink.

* The camel shoes are from the 1 L$ sale at Gabriel.

* The Atlas hair is by Stealthic.

* The Judas appliers in caramel are by 7 Deadly s[K]ins

* the head is Alan by GA.EG and the body is by Slink.

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